Cardiac surgery, or cardiovascular surgery, is surgery on the heart or great vessels performed by cardiac surgeons. It also includes heart transplantation.

Bypass Surgery

The medical name for heart bypass surgery is coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). According to the American Heart Association, CABG involves removing a blood vessel from the chest, arms, or legs and using it to create a detour or bypass around the blockage. This allows blood to reach the heart again.

On Pump / Off Pump (Beating heart surgery)

Off-pump CABG is one of the procedures that surgeons use to restore blood flow to the coronary arteries. The surgeon takes an artery or a vein from another place in the body. The surgeon then uses the vessel to “bypass” the blocked part of the vessel and restore normal blood flow to the heart.

On-pump beating-heart versus conventional coronary artery bypass grafting for revascularization in patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction: early outcomes

Valve Replacement Surgery M.V.R., A.V.R., D.V.R.

The heart is a pump made of muscle tissue. It has 4 pumping chambers: 2 upper chambers, called atria, and 2 lower chambers, called ventricles. Valves between each of the heart's pumping chambers keep blood flowing forward through the heart.

Congential Defects Surgery ASD, VSD, TOF

Congenital heart defect - corrective surgery. Congenital heart defect corrective surgery fixes or treats a heart defect that a child is born with. A baby born with one or more heart defects has congenital heart disease. Surgery is needed if the defect could harm the child's long-term health or well-being.

Thoracic / Lung Surgery

Lung surgery is surgery done to repair or remove lung tissue. ... Surgery to remove blood in the chest cavity, particularly after trauma. Surgery to remove small balloon-like tissues (blebs) that cause lung collapse (pneumothorax) Wedge resection, to remove part of a lobe in a lung.

Vascular Surgery

Vascular surgery is a surgical subspecialty in which diseases of the vascular system, or arteries, veins and lymphatic circulation, are managed by medical therapy, minimally-invasive catheter procedures, and surgical reconstruction.


Is stair climbing allowed after the surgery ?

Yes, from the day of discharge patients can climb stairs slowly to avoid getting tired. It would not lead to angina or heart attack.

When and how much a patient should walk after surgery ?

Usually by the 3rd or 4th day of the surgery patients are allowed to walk. He / She should not get tired.

When can a patient join office / Work ?

You may gradually return to work in approx. 8 weeks after discharge.

Do patient's need bed rest after surgery ?

Not at all. Infact patients are encouraged to start light activities like walking, reading, watching TV soon after the surgery.

Can a patient have normal sex life after surgery ?

The exertion reached by a patient during intercourse is similar to walking approx. half a mile at a brisk pace or climbing one or two flights of stairs. When you can perform these activities without becoming fatigued or short of breath, sexual activities can be resumed.

Is it safe for a woman to conceive after surgery?

Yes, it is completely safe but they must inform their gynecologist that they are on anticoagulants.

How soon the patient can understand long distance journey after the surgery?

Normally patient can undertake journey right after the stitch removal, i.e 15 days after the surgery. But the final decision is taken by the doctor after assessing the patien over all conditions.

Is it safe to travel by air?

It is safe to travel in air crafts which have pressurised chambers.

Can i smoke / drink after surgery?

It is important that you must stop smoking and do not resume it. Never drink alcohol during the recovery period after that the patient is advised to consult their doctor.

Can I assume side way position while sleeping?

Patients are allowed to take sideways position but not for long (5-10 minutes) but always with the support of pillow. It is alright to take left side position also, if the patient is comfortable.

What kind of food or diet can I take after surgery?

The dietician will guide you about the quantity and quality of food at the time of discharge and subsequent follow-ups.